To dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe,
To bear with unbearable sorrow, to run where the brave dare not go.
To right the unrightable wrong, to love pure and chaste from afar,
To try when your arms are too weary to reach the unreachable star,
This is my quest, to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
To fight for the right, without question or pause,
To be willing to march into Hell for a Heavenly cause.
– Mitch Leigh (1928-2014) Joseph Darion (1917-2001) from “The Impossible Dream” (1965)

When in June of 2013 I was invited to do a radio program and podcast about death and the afterlife, and I was asked to come up with a title for it, I assumed we would call it something death- or afterlife-related. So when I opened my mouth to say, “Let me think about it,” and instead what I said was “Seek Reality,” I had no idea where that had come from! But by then I was used to these unexpected interventions. Four years earlier, as I was sitting in a pew one April morning and waiting for services to start, I had impulsively given the rest of my life to God. It seemed only fair. But when you do that, God takes you at your word.

Seek Reality has turned out to be the perfect title. It has been broad enough to let us spend the past nine years venturing far beyond just death and the afterlife in our choice of Seek Reality guests. I feel as if even after nine years, we have only just begun! The title was still available in every form when we bought it recently for online use, so it is about to become our title of choice for the website with which we are going to begin to free the world from the fear of death. Of course, now I know that it was my Thomas who spoke up on that fateful day nine years ago. And of late, I have learned a great deal more. Thomas is my spirit guide, and my ceding my life to him as God’s proxy in 2009 was by prior arrangement made before my birth, so his stepping in and making decisions for me as he has been doing routinely since then has all been according to plan. I think this might be happening now to a lot of people, actually. This whole arrangement is informal and voluntary, but when some of us are nearing the end of our incarnations, and when guide and guided are close friends, Thomas tells me that especially now, when there is so much that needs to be done on earth, there are many of us who are willing avatars for guides not in bodies who are trying to accomplish what they could not otherwise accomplish without the help of the incarnated people they are guiding.

And actually seeking a clear and objective reality is an impulse that is in short supply! We assume that mainstream scientists are seeking reality first and foremost, don’t we? Isn’t that what we rely upon our most trusted institution to be all about? Or else, what is its value? But over the past few years, I can tell you for a sorry fact that we have demonstrated both in this blog and with our Seek Reality guests that mainstream science is not seeking what you and I would consider to be reality at all.

Perhaps to be fair about this, we should define our terms. What should mainstream scientists be studying? It seems to me that we expect scientists to be studying reality. Or is using that term in itself naïve? I tried googling “seeking reality,” and found mostly… myself. It was embarrassing! Googling the generic words “seeking reality” actually gets you a page of Roberta Grimes’s podcasts. So apparently “reality” isn’t a word that is very much in current use? I think that we expect scientists to be studying at least humanity and everything that might affect us, right? Or at least the earth? And the solar system? Might we agree upon that much?

But expecting scientists to seek to understand all of reality is as foolish as it would be for us to expect a Catholic priest to seek some objective God. No, a priest is going to seek to relate to the Catholic God. And in just the same way, we can expect a scientist to seek to find only the materialist facts that the leaders of materialist science are directing him to seek and to find. As you will shortly see.

When I first began to study the afterlife in the nineteen-seventies, I found that there were many books by researchers of early-twentieth-century deep-trance-mediums in used-book stores. And over two years of intensive reading, I both convinced myself that the afterlife has to be real, and I uncovered a scandal that was by then half a century old and still continues to this day. What I found was that many of the books that I was reading had been written by eager researchers soon after the turn of the twentieth century as they tried to convince the scientific community that it was time to begin to investigate the afterlife. But physicists at the turn of the twentieth century were freshly dealing with the shock of quantum mechanics. So rather than at the same time also considering the possibility of life after death, the scientific gatekeepers – the university departments and the peer-reviewed journals – simply took a hard pass on also dealing with the possibility of an afterlife. Such an impulsive decision was probably meant to be temporary. Let’s deal with one crisis at a time! But their decision had a history going back as far as Plato and Aristotle. It long had seemed to make sense that “material” and “spiritual” matters should be handled separately. And the result of their impulsive decision is that even a full century later, mainstream science is at this point absurdly reduced to spending a billion dollars on seeking a source of consciousness inside the human brain.

The level of frank stupidity being displayed now in the scientific community would be amusing, if it were not so tragic. That impulsive decision that was made somewhere around 1910 soon became hardwired into the system as “the fundamental scientific dogma of materialism.” And yes, back then you could find those words in print. Of course, anything with a hard-wired and enforced dogma is a belief-system, by definition. So by now, mainstream science has become what we might call the religion of atheism, broadly construed. It is no longer an open-minded search for the truth, if indeed it ever was. And while this sad transformation was underway, a few of the most senior scientists who were then actively working continued to seek reality, essentially all on their own. So it was the brilliant Max Planck, who in 1918 had won the Nobel Prize in Physics as the father of quantum mechanics, who finally made the breakthrough that eludes the rest of the whole scientific community to this day when he said in 1931, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” 

Exactly right. We who are not bound by any scientific dogma know now that consciousness is the base creative force. And in fact, nothing else actually exists! But because mainstream science is a belief-system now, and no scientist is encouraged – or, frankly, is even allowed – to seek reality without being declared out of bounds, we can find only fringy-seeming ideas being advanced within the scientific community at this point. Like uploading our minds to the cloud in dyson spheres, for heaven’s sake!  Or attempting to regenerate the brains of brain-dead people as if they were salamandersAnd actually, I know Ira Pastor personally! He was my guest on Seek Reality four years ago. Ira is a lovely man, a genuinely beautiful human being. But like everyone else, he needs to make a living.

All of this is tragic because it is demonstrably so flat-out wrong. Look, I am no scientist. I am a science hobbyist at best. But the truth is evident, even to me. For the whole past century, ever since that stopgap decision was made to avoid looking at afterlife communications until they could get the inconvenient problem of quantum mechanics sorted out, there have been no big scientific breakthroughs achieved worth noting. Oh, there have been a few ideas tossed around. String theory, and so on. But scientists still have no clue about so many things! We could point out their many deficiencies here that are the fallout from their detour into the materialist weeds, but let’s name just four of the biggest ones:

  • The Origin of the Universe. It is remarkable that the Big Bang Theory is seen by scientists as sensible. In what other area of scientific thought is the sudden explosion of a whole lot of something out of literally nothing accepted as a satisfactory explanation for anything?
  • The Origin of Life. Scientists assume that some magical combination of molecules must have been hit by lightning, and Presto! We got DNA, ribonucleic acid, and everything else that makes life possible must have happened all at once. I apologize for putting this so bluntly, but: Fat chance.
  • The Source of Human Consciousness. Human consciousness is in the same class as life. There seems to be no conceivable way for human consciousness ever to have arisen in the human brain, or indeed anywhere at all without the baseline consciousness energy that Max Planck discovered.
  • The Makeup and the Actual Uses of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. In a universe of breathtaking efficiency, working scientists are eager to assume that more than 95% of what exists is made up of a useless sludge of gluons and WIMPS without any functioning or value. Making that assumption then leaves them free to study just the material part of the universe that more than a century ago they decided that as materialist believers they could give themselves permission to study almost exclusively.

If those scientific gatekeepers in the early twentieth century had done what they ought to have done, and responsibly and open-mindedly sought reality when confronted with that flood of good afterlife evidence, the world would be quite different today. In fact, Max Planck was right. We cannot get behind consciousness for the simple reason that consciousness is the base creative force which continuously manifests this universe and everything in it, and it is the only thing that objectively exists. Once we know that, we can easily solve all four of the problems given above, and a great many more besides.

In limiting themselves to studying only what they considered to be material, investigative scientists actually chose to limit themselves to knowing pretty close to nothing about anything new at this point. Oh, they think they know a great deal more! They have created many blackboards (or, in recent decades, whiteboards) full of mathematical equations that set forth all sorts of theories. But, to what purpose? When their lack of understanding of what actually is going on is so fundamental, how can they be making much sense of anything now?

Max Planck said in 1944, not long before his death, “I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” And the estimable polymath Nikola Tesla was right, too, when he said, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

So when Craig Hogan and I begin to say the same things on Seek Reality Online a few weeks from now, we will be in exalted company. The entire scientific community is wrong. And Max, Nikola, Craig, and I are right! The only thing that independently exists is what we experience in a dim way as consciousness. If it takes an additional hundred years for the scientific community to come to terms with reality, still eventually reality is going to win.

And I know if I’ll only be true to this glorious quest,
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm when I’m laid to my rest.
And the world will be better for this,
That we four, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove with our last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable stars!|
Mitch Leigh (1928-2014) Joseph Darion (1917-2001) from “The Impossible Dream” (1965)