Teachings By Jesus

Jesus’s Core Teachings

Core Teachings
by Jesus Online

None of the religious dogmas of Christianity beyond its suggestions that we love and forgive come from Jesus. He was born on earth two thousand years ago as the Son of God, and He is the greatest Teacher who ever lived, so the Biblical Gospels contain priceless teachings that none of the more than forty-two thousand versions of Christianity have ever made much effort to share with the world.

TeachingsbyJesus.com is an effort to begin to rectify that great injustice! The fact that the religion doesn’t share Jesus’s teachings with His followers has been unfair to Master Jesus. And He tells us now that, even more, it has been a wrong done to all the people that He has called to come and learn from Him, who have instead been taught what have been foreign and even frightening religious dogmas that have had nothing to do with what Jesus taught when He was on earth two thousand years ago as God’s spiritual emissary.

We still have preserved fewer than twenty percent of the public words that Jesus spoke in His ministry that spanned more than three years, so these Core Teachings are not all that Jesus taught. But they do give to Him, and they give to us all, a comfortable place to begin. And to aid you in your understanding, we have told you here in consultation with Jesus what we believe that He meant by these Core Teachings, although we add that He invites you to find your own meanings in His teachings as you read and ponder them with Him.

by Jesus

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