Teachings By Jesus

About Your Guide

One night when Roberta Grimes was eight years old, she woke up with the panicky thought that there is no God. Then she saw a bright flash of light, and a voice said, “You wouldn’t know what it is to have me unless you knew what it is to be without me. I will never leave you again.” She thought, “That’s handy. If you forget there is a God, they remind you.” And she went right back to sleep.
Roberta began to read the Christian Bible from cover to cover repeatedly at the age of eleven, and she continued that practice into her fifties. She majored in early Christian history in college, and she began to research the afterlife when she was in her early twenties so now she is one of the world’s leading afterlife scholars even as she pursues her daytime profession as a business attorney. Her whole life has been shaped by her need to understand what that voice and that light had been about!
Roberta’s intensive lifelong hobbies have given her a combined body of knowledge of both the Gospels and the afterlife that is rare, and perhaps unique. So when Jesus asked Roberta to create this website, she had both the Biblical knowledge and the afterlife understandings to undertake this task with Him. All the events of her life have led her to enter what she sees as an ongoing collaborative effort with Jesus to right the great wrong that was perpetrated against Him, and against every Christian ever born. Indeed, the destruction of the Jesus Movement by the Roman Emperor Constantine and his successors in the third and fourth centuries CE may be among the greatest wrongs that ever have been carried out in all of human history.