Roberta Grimes had an amazing experience of light at the age of eight that was something like Moses’s experience with his burning bush and Paul’s experience on the road to Damascus, which prompted her to begin to read the Bible from cover to cover beginning in childhood. She majored in early Christian history in college, and then she spent fifty years researching the afterlife so she is prepared to answer a wide range of questions. What is wonderful, too, is that although Jesus should long since have ascended, He remains on the entrance level of the astral plane and if a question interests Him, He will sometimes answer it personally. To ask a question, email
Not only is there no Hell, but there is not even any judgment by God! Jesus tells us that in the Gospel Book of John. He says, “For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son, so that all will honor the Son even as they honor the Father.” That is John 5:22-23. And Jesus doesn’t judge us either. That has been right there in the Bible all along! So, Jesus didn’t die to redeem us from God’s judgment for our sins. The whole religion turns out to be nonsense.